
22nd International Congress of
Analytical Trilogy

ENERGETICS - The Universal Science

September 6 to 10, 2024

Congress and ICAT History

Discussions and Panels

A stimulating and diverse selection of addresses, symposia, workshops, and panel discussions will be conducted over the four-day period by a distinguished group of scholars, physicians, artists and practitioners gathering from around the world for this historic occasion focusing on the Brazilian School of Analytical Trilogy founded by Dr. Norberto R. Keppe and Dr. Cláudia Bernhardt S. Pacheco.

The Congress will be a meeting of minds devoted to the study and propagation of Analytical Trilogy, theoretically, historically, and in practice in the areas of:

  • Arts and Communications
  • Language Studies
  • Legal Studies
  • The Science of Energies (The New Physics) and Keppe Motor Technology
  • Education and Pedagogy
  • Economy & Entrepreneurship
  • Spirituality and Theology
  • Environmental Management
  • Integral Psychoanalysis
  • Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Social Pathology


Practical Applications of Analytical Trilogy

  • Individual and group psychoanalysis for treatment of neurosis, psychosis, and organic illness without the use of medicines or drugs.
  • Treatment for children with difficulties in socio-affective adjustment at home or at school, developmental problems and somatization problems.
  • Orientation for parents with adolescent children.
  • Emotional competence for anyone wanting to develop their personal and professional potential.
  • Business training at administration levels for increased professional efficiency through conscientization of errors (feed back) programs.
  • Orientation and courses for professional educators.
  • International Congresses.
  • Psychoanalytic training based principally on analysis (consciousness of errors) of the trainee, with theoretical and practical training.
  • Undergraduate, graduate, post graduate and elective courses at the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical Colleges as well as lectures and reading groups open to the public for those interested in Keppean discoveries and methodology.
  • Lectures about Trilogical Enterprises (scientific perspective).
  • Lectures about Trilogical Residences.
  • Scientific interchange with international associations.
  • Programs and courses for the development of artistic excellence as the basis of civilization.


Enter the World of Consciousness

The only Colleges that unify science, philosophy and theology.

The only Colleges that offer both in-person and online courses, that apply the science of Analytical Trilogy (psycho-social-pathology) in all its disciplines. The Colleges feature international professors highly trained in Norberto Keppe’s Integral Psychoanalysis.

To develop the human being and society integrally, through the awareness of individual and social pathology.

To preserve the world from the destruction caused by corruptions, calamities and wars, using Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis), which unifies the fields of Science, Philosophy and Theology. In the integral human being it corresponds to feeling (love), thought (reason) and action (good, beautiful and true).

To offer innovative and transdisciplinary training, through the already established Trilogical Pedagogy (which unifies Science, Philosophy and Spirituality) and distance learning technologies.



History of Congresses, Forums, Seminars, Symposia and Conferences of Analytical Trilogy


  • International Congress of Integral Psychoanalysis. 1979, São Paulo, SP.
  • I International Congress of Analytical Trilogy, March, 1983, Buçaco, Portugal.
  • II International Analytical Trilogy Congress – The Worldrise. March, 1984, New York – USA.
  • III International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. 1985, Santa Barbara, California.
  • III International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. 1985, New York, USA
  • IV International Congress of Analytical Trilogy – Acorda Brasil. August 1985, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • V International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. Psychoanalysis and Spirituality. 1986, Stony Point, NY, USA.
  • V International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. “Liberation of the People” (Keppe)-1986, Florida, USA.
  • VI International Analytical Trilogy Congress – Denouncing Economic Power. Proposals for a better society. Women and Power. September 1986, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • VII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis), May 1987, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • VIII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy – Integral Psychoanalysis. July 1988, London, England.
  • IX International Congress of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis). “Goodness, Truth and Action: Trilogy for the Renewal of the World”. July 1989, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • X International Congress of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis). 90s: Building the foundations for the civilization of the 3rd Millennium. July 1990, La Ferté sous Jouarre, France and Paris, France.
  • XI International Congress of Analytical Trilogy (Integral Psychoanalysis). The Power of Knowledge – Liberation through Reason. July 1991, La Ferté sous Jouarre, France.
  • XII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy – 5th Empire: 2700 years for the realization of a dream. Fifth Empire: the false and the true. Why Trilogy and why Brazil? October 1996, Estremoz, Portugal.
  • XIII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. The Quality of Life of Universal Man. The Spiritual Work of Brazil at the Foundation of the Universal World. June 1998, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • XIV International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. “Envy: Awareness, Liberation”. April 2000, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • XV International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. The Trilogy in the World (about the achievements of the Analytical Trilogy). July 2001, Sailboats of Ibiúna, SP, Brazil.
  • XVI International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. Psychosocial Inversion. December 2002, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • XVII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. Integral Psychoanalysis. Study Group: Consciousness and Energy. June 2002, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • XVIII International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. Science for Life. September 2006, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • XIX International Congress of Analytical Trilogy. The Energetics of Consciousness in Daily Life. Norberto Keppe’s Psychosocial Therapy: The Solution for the Disinversion of the World. July 2013, Cambuquira-MG, Brazil.
  • XX International Congress of Analytical Trilogy, New York, USA, May, 2019
  • XXI International Congress of Analytical Trilogy, Cambuquira. Brazil, July, 2023



  • STOP the Destruction of the World Forum. Psychoanalysis and Ecology. 1993, Paris, France.
  • Preliminary Forum STOP the Destruction of the World. 1993, Lisbon, Portugal – Coordinator.
  • Permanent Forum STOP the Destruction of the World, December 1993, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • STOP the Destruction of the World. 1993, Paris, France.
  • Permanent Forum STOP the Destruction of the World. “Portuguese Culture in the World: a wealth to preserve and disseminate” (March). Raising Human Awareness to Recover the Planet” (May). 1994, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • STOP the Destruction of the World. 1994, London, England.
  • Brazil/Europe Forum – Together for a New World of Justice and Peace. 1995, Lucca, Italy.
  • Brazil/Europe Forum. Public Act – Brazil/Europe Together for Freedom of Conscience. 1995, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Forum – 7th Century of Portugal’s Áureo Project. The Reign of Consciousness for all Peoples. The Fifth Empire is fulfilled. “The Reign of Consciousness for all Peoples”. 1996, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • International and Interdisciplinary Forum – “The 3rd Millennium and Universal Human Rights”. 1998, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • International Forum Stop the Destruction of the World, International Meeting of Alternative (Independent) Media, Arts Festival. 8th to 10th July 2005, Cambuquira (MG).
  • 21st STOP Arts Forum, June 2016, São Paulo – Brazil. (STOP House)



  • Seminar “The Fifth Empire and Universal Science”. “The Secret History of Brazil and its Mission in Globalization”. “A Universal Science for the Third Millennium”. 1997, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Seminar “The Fifth Empire and Universal Science. The Secret History of Brazil and its Role in the Millennium”. Casa de Portugal, May 1997, São Paulo-Brazil.
  • Intensive Seminar “Healing through Consciousness – The New Energy Medicine Seminar “Envy”. August 1999, Poços de Caldas –MG
  • Seminar “Psychosocial Inversion” – The Scientific Discovery that Could Change the World, at the Rebouças Convention Center, December 2001, São Paulo – Brazil
  • Psychosocial Inversion Seminar – The Scientific Discovery that Can Change Your Life. 2001, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Seminar “The Origin of Illness and Health”, May 2002, São Paulo – Brazil



  • 1st International Meeting of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine. Opening lecture and lecture “The psychoenergetic influence on illnesses and their treatment in psychotherapy”. May 2006, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • 2nd International Meeting of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine. “The Origin of Psychic, Organic and Social Illnesses”. March 2008, Cambuquira-MG, Brazil.
  • 3rd International Meeting of Integral Psychosomatic Medicine. Organization and Presidency. September 2009, Cambuquira – MG, Brazil.



  • 1st Trilogical Ufology Meeting, April 2006, Cambuquira – MG



  • I International Symposium on Demonology. August 1983, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • II International Symposium on Demonology. 1984, New York, USA.
  • II Demonology Symposium.”The Decay of the American People.” 1985, New York, USA.
  • III International Symposium on Analytical Trilogy. 1985, New York, USA.
  • IV International Symposium on Analytical Trilogy. 1986, Stony Point, NY.



  • 1st World Conference of Analytical Trilogy, September 2008, San Diego, CA – USA

Esta é uma chamada a todos os interessados no congresso dedicado ao estudo e divulgação das descobertas, teorias, método e aplicações do psicanalista, cientista social, filósofo, teólogo, educador e físico independente brasileiro, Norberto R. Keppe.  O congresso também tem por objetivo, compartilhar as aplicações que indivíduos em todo o mundo fazem dessa ciência em suas vidas cotidianas. Temos certeza que você tem contribuições valiosas para agregar ao nosso Congresso.

Como a ciência da Trilogia Analítica é a unificação bem-sucedida das ciências com a filosofia e a espiritualidade, ela tem a capacidade natural de esclarecer e unificar todos os tipos de esforços humanos por meio do uso de princípios universais. É nossa missão que, por meio desse encontro de mentes em nosso Congresso, possamos alcançar uma consciência crescente dos problemas e soluções fundamentais necessários para nossa humanidade atual, que precisa
urgentemente de ajuda


6, 7, 8 e 9 de julho de 2023


Grande Hotel Trilogia da Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco, em Cambuquira.

O aspecto online do Congresso compreende os vídeos gravados das Palestras, que estarão disponíveis no site a partir do domingo, dia 9 de julho.

Quem pode participar?

O Congresso é destinado a todas as pessoas interessadas na restauração da sociedade, atuantes em qualquer área do conhecimento e das mais diversas profissões.

O tema do Congresso será: A Beleza da Consciência e a Consciência da Beleza – aplicado a toda e qualquer profissão, área de pesquisa e disciplina intelectual.

Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia. (refeições não estão incluídas)


Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia.

(refeições não estão incluídas)



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