
22nd International Congress of
Analytical Trilogy

ENERGETICS - The Universal Science

September 6 to 10, 2024

Keynote Speakers

Professor Dr. Joseph Ghougassian

The Honorable Joseph Ghougassian is the former US Ambassador to the State of Qatar. He served the United States during the Reagan administration and during his tenure brokered a deal with the Qatari government to enable the first ever open practice of Christianity in a Muslim nation. For this exceptional accomplishment, Ambassador Ghougassian was Knighted at the Vatican by Pope Jean Paul II, as a Commander of in the Order of St Gregory the Great.

Ghougassian’s educational background is both broad and deep. He started his education in Cairo, Egypt, continued it in Lebanon, and received his B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy from the Ivy League Jesuit Gregorian University in Rome, and his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. In 1973/74, while on sabbatical leave as a tenured faculty, Dr. Ghougassian completed a new Post-Graduate Studies in Family, Marriage and Psychopathology at the University of Louvain. Upon completing his doctoral courses at Louvain in Philosophy, Ghougassian began his teaching career at the age of 22, as a youngest faculty member of the University of San Diego (1966-1986). While teaching full time, he earned a M.A. in International Relations from the University of San Diego, as well as the Juris Doctor from its Law School.

Ambassador Ghougassian is a prolific author. He has written several books and professional articles on a wide range of subjects including philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy, foreign affairs, diplomacy, law, human rights, freedom of religion, the Middle East Peace Process, Women Studies, Public Policy, Nature of Racism, and Immigration, inter alia. His most recent book The Knight and the Falcon chronicles his diplomatic efforts during his Ambassadorship to convince the Government of Qatar to lift the 14 century-old bans on public worship by Christians (and non-Muslims) in Qatar.

Ambassador Ghougassian is a builder. He founded the American School in Doha in Qatar in 1988. The school is now in its 35th year, serves as a point of educational excellence in the Middle East, and is a lasting legacy of Ambassador Ghougassian’s significant impact. In 1980 Ghougassian was honored when Viktor E. Frankl asked Ghougassian to initiate, preside and launch the World Congress of Logotherapy. This professional organization of scholars who adhere to and research on the clinical ideas of the late Viennese and Holocaust survivor of concentration camps, is on-going.

While serving with the US Government in Iraq and Afghanistan, Prof. Ghougassian managed, organized, and presided at the World Congress of Analytical Trilogy in San Diego (September 24-27, 2008). His Alma Mater, University of San Diego co-sponsored the Congress.



Suzanne Pearson

Suzanne Pearson is an American Catholic laywoman whose professional career spanned the U.S. political arena and the world of music, and whose expertise on Blessed Karl of Austria, Our Lady of Fatima, Catholic prophecy, and other faith-related issues has made her a sought-after speaker both in the United States and abroad.

She earned her A.B. degree from San Diego State College (now University) with honors in music, with a second major in history and political science. For many decades she worked for the U.S. Senate in the Office of Legislative Counsel (the non-partisan “law firm” of the Senate), giving her an insider’s view on the workings of government, while also pursuing a second career in music as a soprano soloist, church musician, and member of Washington’s prestigious Choral Arts Society.

An exceptionally strong early grounding in the Catholic faith gave her a lifelong interest in Church teachings, Marian apparitions, and the lives of the saints. Other major influences in her life were the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, in whose 1968 presidential campaign she served, and the late Father Malachi Martin, who became her spiritual director.

For the past two decades, her interest has focused on Blessed Karl of the House of Austria, whose Cause for canonization she promotes in the United States and Canada as Delegate of the Vienna-based Emperor Karl League of Prayer. Years of intensive research have made her one of the world’s foremost experts on his life and times.

This, along with her perceptive insights on current issues facing the Church and society, have created growing demand for her new role as a writer and speaker.



Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco

Founder and director of the Keppe and Pacheco Trilogical Colleges (On-site, 2017) and Our Lady of All Nations College (Distance Learning, 2021).

Assistant to psychoanalyst Norberto R. Keppe, creator of Integral Psychoanalysis. Since 1971, Vice President of the Society of Integral Psychoanalysis, founded by Norberto Keppe, later called SITA- International Society of Analytical Trilogy.

Author of more than 40 books and scientific publications, several of which have been translated into 9 languages. For 50 years she has been attending clients in individual analysis, in psychotherapy groups, and training analysts in Brazil, the United States and Europe.

Researcher and Coordinator since 1980 of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy. Founder and President of the Keppe & Pacheco Institute of Science and Technology, home of the internationally awarded Keppe Motor Technology.

Working with Norberto Keppe for over 40 years, they have published and distributed millions of cultural scientific periodicals free of charge as well as producing therapeutic TV and radio programs broadcast in numerous cities throughout Brazil, Europe, Latin America and the USA. Dr Pacheco publishes daily therapeutic content on her social networks to thousands of followers.

In 1992 she founded the STOP the Destruction of the World Association in Paris. Among her most widely read books are: Healing through Consciousness – Theomania and Stress; Women on the Couch; and the Secret History of Brazil.

In 2019 she received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, due to her extensive achievements in benefit of Humanity.




Pablo Villarrubia Mauso


In his numerous travels, Villarrubia interviewed archaeologists from all over the world and visited archaeological sites and museums on three continents.
In addition to his writing career, Villarrubia continues to periodically publish reports, which he combines with the publication of new books and his participation in various media outlets, both in the press and on radio and television in Spain and Brazil. He currently works as a reporter-scriptwriter for the Spanish program Cuarto Millennium, on Cuatro TV.1





Dylan Savage, DM

Dylan Savage is a Bösendorfer Concert Artist, a Capstone Records Recording Artist, and a winner of the Rome Festival Orchestra Competition. He is author of the book The Transposed Musician: Teaching Universal Skills to Improve Performance and Benefit Life, GIA Publications. It is the first book to present a comprehensive and systematic method for teaching universal skills within the context of the music lesson. Dr. Savage is co-author of the piano pedagogy book A Symposium for Pianists and Teachers: Strategies to Develop the Mind and Body for Optimal Performance, Heritage Music Press. He is the author of numerous articles found in Clavier, Clavier Companion, American Music Teacher, and Pianoforte magazines.

Dr. Savage pioneered the use of slow-motion video analysis to help pianists improve performance and minimize injury. His research in biomechanics, wellness, and entrepreneurship has resulted in numerous master-classes at top music schools and national / international conferences. For decades, Savage has used live music performance to teach in-depth practices of universal skills and continuous improvement to people in non-music disciplines. Applying universal skills to the study of music and to life is the foundation of his studio teaching at UNCC. His work has been featured in television spots on NBC and PBS affiliates.

Dr. Savage is Professor of Piano at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has degrees in piano from the Oberlin Conservatory and Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Drawing inspiration from the outdoors, he can often be found skiing, hiking, biking, or canoeing.




Leonard H. Burg


Len Burg is an “Apotheosist” — one who studies and seeks the realization of their Divinity. He has studied and worked with spiritual and enlightened leaders and seekers from Harlem, NY to Europe, East Africa, India and South America, In the process he has organized or supported several holistic international initiatives. This includes having pioneered a unique, scientific form of psycho-spiritual coaching and consulting called Soul Therapy. It isa way of healing through consciousness, using Dis-Ease as medicine. It helps clients make break-throughs — releasing suffering and upset that blocks hope, advancement and healing of body/mind or relationships.

Mr. Burg is also a Certified instructor of the basic principles of “Analytical Trilogy”, a novel, consciousness-raising form of healing that remedies psycho-socio pathology. He is accredited by the Keppe and Pacheco College in Sao Paulo and Cambuquira Brazil. Both Soul Therapy and Analytical Trilogy are complementary to other alternative and conventional methods of healing. They help people commit or transition to more well-being regimens and lifestyles.

Mr. Burg graduated with distinction from New York’s Pace University, earning a B.A. in Psychology and Journalism, with a Certificate in Hands-on Project Management. His published works include The Dis-Ease is the Cure: a Better way to Mind Your Business and Profit by Consciousness of Spirituality in the Workplace, in the bestselling book, The Better Business Book, volume 2, published by Authors Unite,2017.



Richard Lloyd Jones


Richard Lloyd Jones has been a communications and media professional for over 40 years. Before moving to Brazil to study at Keppe’s Institute of Integral Psychoanalysis in São Paulo, he was one of Canada’s top voice-over actors and has won numerous performance awards.

He is the author of The Modern Relevance of God and the writer and producer of two podcasts — Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head, and Healing Through Consciousness, an online psychology show with Dr. Claudia Pacheco — and the creator of the STOP Radio Network.

A certified psychoanalyst in Analytical Trilogy, he is a professor at the Keppe and Pacheco Trilogical Colleges in Brazil and on line.







Cesar Soós

Cesar Soós is Brazilian of Italian-Hungarian origin, born in São Paulo – SP, in 1961.

He is a mining engineer, graduated from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo-EPUSP in 1984, and co-inventor of the Resonant Motor Technology, known as Keppe Motor, with an international invention patent and awarded several times inside and outside Brazil.

He is a member of the scientific council of the STOP the Destruction of the World Association for the development of Keppe Motor technology.

He worked as an entrepreneur in the United States and in several European countries from 1986 to 2008, the year he invented the Keppe Motor, together with Dr. Norberto Keppe and the brothers Alexandre and Roberto Frascari.

Since then, he has received scientific guidance from Norberto Keppe, creator of the Science of Energetics, dedicating his work to the research and application of this science to the engineering of resonant motors, among other fields of knowledge.

Author of several articles on Trilogical Physics and Metaphysics, and co-author of the books “Metaphysics and New Physics” and “The ABC of the New Physics”. Translator and technical reviewer of several trilogical works on Physics and Metaphysics.

Currently 2023, he is the coordinator scientist for research and development of Resonant Motor technology, and works as a professor of Energetics at the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College (FATRI, On site learning), in Cambuquira -MG and at the Our Lady of All Peoples College (FATRI, Distance learning), headquartered in São Paulo-SP



Susan Berkley

Susan Berkley is a top voice over artist, radio personality, author, entrepreneur and internationally recognized expert in voice and communication.

Her book Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Voice is a presentation skills bestseller. In 1987, she founded The Great Voice Company, one of the original Trilogical enterprises in New York City.

Since that time, tens of thousands of people worldwide have taken her voice over training and confident speaking programs. A student and translator of Dr. Keppe’s work since 1982, Susan is an adjunct professor of FATRI in North America and Brazil.

Since 2020, she and Rich Jones have been facilitating Trilogical reading groups for a growing group of North Americans as well as the Therapy For The World blended learning program which features on-line texts from The ABCs Of Analytical Trilogy and live, therapeutic group workshops.



To be announced

Fernando Beteti


Fernando Beteti, a journalist specializing in health, aims to bring useful information that stays in people’s memory, with topics related to well-being, quality of life and integrative health.
He is known as the Health Reporter for his more than 20 years working in health journalism, translating complex issues into a simpler language that everyone can understand.



Esta é uma chamada a todos os interessados no congresso dedicado ao estudo e divulgação das descobertas, teorias, método e aplicações do psicanalista, cientista social, filósofo, teólogo, educador e físico independente brasileiro, Norberto R. Keppe.  O congresso também tem por objetivo, compartilhar as aplicações que indivíduos em todo o mundo fazem dessa ciência em suas vidas cotidianas. Temos certeza que você tem contribuições valiosas para agregar ao nosso Congresso.

Como a ciência da Trilogia Analítica é a unificação bem-sucedida das ciências com a filosofia e a espiritualidade, ela tem a capacidade natural de esclarecer e unificar todos os tipos de esforços humanos por meio do uso de princípios universais. É nossa missão que, por meio desse encontro de mentes em nosso Congresso, possamos alcançar uma consciência crescente dos problemas e soluções fundamentais necessários para nossa humanidade atual, que precisa
urgentemente de ajuda


6, 7, 8 e 9 de julho de 2023


Grande Hotel Trilogia da Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco, em Cambuquira.

O aspecto online do Congresso compreende os vídeos gravados das Palestras, que estarão disponíveis no site a partir do domingo, dia 9 de julho.

Quem pode participar?

O Congresso é destinado a todas as pessoas interessadas na restauração da sociedade, atuantes em qualquer área do conhecimento e das mais diversas profissões.

O tema do Congresso será: A Beleza da Consciência e a Consciência da Beleza – aplicado a toda e qualquer profissão, área de pesquisa e disciplina intelectual.

Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia. (refeições não estão incluídas)


Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia.

(refeições não estão incluídas)



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