
22nd International Congress of
Analytical Trilogy

ENERGETICS - The Universal Science

September 6 to 10, 2024

On-site Lectures Program

Click the button below to see the lecture program!

Lectures in Portuguese

Friday, September 6, 2024

6:30 – 7:30pm || Dine with Live Piano Music
8pm || Artistic Presentation - THALIA THEATER

Saturday, September 7, 2024

9:00 - 9:30am


  • Opening Remarks with Gilbert Gambucci
  • Lecture: Dr. Keppe’s Analytical Trilogy: Timeless and Relevance in Today’s World. 
    Dr. Joseph Ghougassian (video 15 minutes)
9:30 - 10:30am


  • 1. Divine energy in All Creation.
    Leo Lima. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Analytical Trilogy, The Cosmic Science.
    Selma Genzani (15 minutes)
  • 3. Demonology and Exorcism in the Light of the Science of Energetics.
    William Girardi. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Fabrizio Biliotti


  • 1. Education and Energy.
    Luciara Avelino. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Children in Risk Situations and the Work of Energy: Aplication and Results.
    Gislaine Maria Lyyra. (15 minutes)
  • 3. FATRI Teen: The vibration of Trilogical children and teenagers.
    Maria Clara Galasso, Miguel Furtado, Anelize Girardi (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Adriana Silvério

10:30 - 11am || Coffee Break
11:00 - 12am


  • 1. A word from Father Alex José Adão
    Parish Priest of the Saint Sebastian Church of Cambuquira. (15 minutes)
  • 2. The Universal Fundamental Energy Manifested in Musical Art.
    André Torres (15 minutes)
  • 3. Energetics, Theology and Education. 
    Pastor Bruno Pontes (15 minutes video)

Commentator: Prof. Selma Genzani


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    Integral Psychosomatics: Energy Medicine.
    Fabio Iasi, Mônica Silveira, Regina Silveira, Zoé Feitosa, Simone Furtado

Commentator: Prof. Anelize Girardi

12:30 – 1:30 pm || Lunch with Live Piano Music
2:00 – 3:00pm


  • 1. Round Table (30 minutes)
    Principles of Third Millennium Justice.  
    CEJUR (Center for Legal Studies)
    Marina Leviski, Natália Stein, Rodrigo Pacheco, Persio Burkinski
  • 2.  Trilogical Marketing: Communication for the Energetics of Health.
    Anelize Girardi and Maurício Domingues. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Gislaine Lyyra


  • 1. The Importance of the Energy Approach in Guiding Families of Drug Addicts: An Experience in the city of Barueri.
    Eunice Avelar. (15 minutes)
  • 2.  Practical Application of Analytical Trilogy in the Treatment of Chemical Dependency.
    Leda Araraki. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Health and Well-being: the Importance of Equilibrium in Professional Life.
    Regina Silveira. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Madalena Prochera

3:00 – 4:00pm


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    Energetics in Music: An Analysis of Spiritual, Psychological and Social Aspects.
    Fabrizio Biliotti, Marisa Gurgel, Thomaz Sampaio.

Commentator: Prof. William Girardi


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
  • Biogeoenergetics
    1. Tropia in agriculture: Syntropic agriculture by Ernst Götsch and the Connection with Norberto Keppe’s Analytical Trilogy and his Science of Energy.
    Alexandre Pisetta.
    2. Management and Planting Practices Around the Divine Village  Water Well: Challenges and Applications.
    Vanessa Widmanski.
    3. The Human Being as a Link Between the Natural and Transcendental World and its Impact on the Biogeochemical Cycles of Nature.
    Gabriela Lourenço Leviski.
    4. Keppean Energetic Psychosomatics: the Restoration of Human Beings Through Divine Resonance and its Transformative Impact on the Various Spheres of Social Life and the Natural World. 
    Simone Varejão

Commentator: Prof. Renata Macedo

4:00 – 4:30pm || Coffee Break
4:30 – 5:30pm


  • 1. The History of Healing Through Magnetic Devices.   
    Josef Gardmo. (15 minutes)
  • 2.  Keppe Motor fans: discover testimonials from its customers.
    Vera Souza e Adriana Silvério. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Keppe Motor: Resonant Motor Technology.
    Ronald Rosa Junior. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Thomaz Sampaio


  • 1. Waters, a Gift from the Creator.
    Mônica Silveira de Magalhães. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Butterflies as a Symbol of Energy Balance and Divine Beauty.
    Alexandra Ferreira, Gabriela Leviski, and Fayler Rodrigues. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Frequency and What We Attract into our Daily Lives, Whether we are Aware of it or not.
    Vera Lucia Athaydes. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Eduardo Castelã

5:30 – 6:30pm || Visit the Keppe Motor Factory of the Science of Energy Technology
6:30 – 7:30pm || Dine with Live Piano Music
8pm || Artistic Presentation - THALIA THEATER

Sunday, September 8, 2024

9:00 - 9:30am


  • Presentation of the Trilogical Colleges
9:30 - 10:30am

Clique no botão abaixo para ver a programação das palestras!


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    The Energetics of Arts and Communication.
    Marcos Pera, Richard Jones, William Girardi and Kátia Moreira.

Commentator: Prof. Thomaz Sampaio


  • 1. Awareness of the Integrality of the Being, of the Left and Right Cerebral Hemispheres in the Light of Energetics.
    Karena de Sousa and Fernanda Yamamoto. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Round Table (30 minutes)
    The Energy Flow of “Action for Good” (Volunteer Program).
    Lurdes Alcaide, Vanessa Paiva, Zoe Feitosa, Karena de Sousa.

Commentator: Prof. Adriana Silvério

10:30 - 11:00am || Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:00


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    Education and Resonance. 
    Luciara Avelino, Gislaine Lyyra, Valdemir Bezerra, Sirlei Paulino and Anelize Girardi.

Commentator: Prof. Sidnei Castro


  • 1. Stained Glass and the Sacred in the Light of Analytical Trilogy.
    Marisa Orsoni Chagas Barros, Gisela Alcaide. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Beauty, Balance and Aesthetics in Keppe’s work.
    Pedro Paulo Goulart, Renata Macedo. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Impact of natural disasters on Brazilian municipalities: how to regain balance?
    Alexandra Ferreira , Eduardo Castelã and Fayler Rodrigues. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Gabriela Leviski

12:30 – 1:30 pm || Lunch with Live Piano Music
2:00 – 3:00pm


  • 1. In the clinic, is it possible to perceive the energetic factor acting to improve/cure a pathological condition? Case studies.
    Madalena Prochera. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Energetics – the Unified Science of the Third Millennium.
    César Soós (15 minutes)
  • 3. Energy in the Blood.
    Inger Thors. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Gislaine Lyyra


  • 1. The energy imbalance affects nature and caused the destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD: Apparitions of Our Lady of the Rosary.
    Antonio Rosa (15 minutes)
  • 2. Transfiguration, Resurrection, NDE and Awareness: Some Existing Relationships.
    Marconi Cavalcante Benck. (15 minutes)
  • 3. The Energy of Symbols.
    Marcos Pera. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Fabrizio Biliotti

3:00 – 4:00pm


  • 1. The Energetics of a Just Enterprise.
    Roberto Silvano. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Energetics in the Trilógica Residence.
    Helena Goulart. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Energetic Resonance in a Trilogical Condominium: Trilogical Experience as a Counselor in a Traditional Condominium and as a Resident in a Trilogical Residence.
    Rui de Albuquerque and Plinio Galasso. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Sidnei Castro


  • 1. Revelation – the Divine Paradise in Immersion Women on the Couch.
    Suely Delcorso (15 minutes)
  • 2. The Nutritional and Emotional Value of Milk.
    Maria Patrícia Goldfeder. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Woman and Power: the Energetics of Women in Historical Transversality.
    Sonia Teresa Guillén. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Mônica Silveira

4:00 – 4:30pm || Coffee Break
4:30 – 5:30pm


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    Energetics through the Visual Arts.1. The Energetics of the Harmonic Composition of Shapes and Colors.
    Gisela Alcaide (Portugal) and Paivi Tiura (Finland)
    2. The Energetics of Images: How Painting Helps to Understand Energetic Phenomena.
    Carlos Mocagatta (Argentina) and Markku Lyyra (Finland)
    3. Sustainable Fashion: a Restoration of Beauty’s Energy.
    Lurdes Alcaide (Portugal)
    4. Divine Energetics in Architecture.
    Livia Biliotti and Luiza Burkinski (Brazil)

Commentator: Prof. Fabrizio Biliotti


  • 1. A vision of the Energetics of Our Lady of Guadalupe Through the Science of Analytical Trilogy.
    José Carlos de Campos Munhoz. (15 minutes)
  • 2. A poem for the Tithe Pastoral of Paróquia Santana.
    Matheus Tamás Júnior. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Conflict Management in the Workplace.
    Odair Pereira de Souza. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Madalena Prochera



5:30 – 6:30pm


  • Round Table (45 minutes)
    The Image of Consciousness: Energetics of Beauty and Consciousnes.
    Sidnei Castro, Gilbert Gambucci, Fabrizio Biliotti, Carlos Moccagata.

Commentator: Prof. Richard Jones


  • 1. The Energy of Toys and Games.
    Maria de Fátima Moreira. (15 minutes)
  • 2. Analytical Trilogy Applied to Knowledge Sharing.
    Letícia dos Santos Pereira. (15 minutes)
  • 3. Aesthetics and Energetics in Communication.
    Marina de Vilhena Dias. (15 minutes)

Commentator: Prof. Gabriela Leviski

6:30 – 7:30pm || Dine with Live Piano Music
8pm || 8pm || Artistic Presentation - Fado Tropical Restaurant

Monday, September 9, 2024

International Day

Esta é uma chamada a todos os interessados no congresso dedicado ao estudo e divulgação das descobertas, teorias, método e aplicações do psicanalista, cientista social, filósofo, teólogo, educador e físico independente brasileiro, Norberto R. Keppe.  O congresso também tem por objetivo, compartilhar as aplicações que indivíduos em todo o mundo fazem dessa ciência em suas vidas cotidianas. Temos certeza que você tem contribuições valiosas para agregar ao nosso Congresso.

Como a ciência da Trilogia Analítica é a unificação bem-sucedida das ciências com a filosofia e a espiritualidade, ela tem a capacidade natural de esclarecer e unificar todos os tipos de esforços humanos por meio do uso de princípios universais. É nossa missão que, por meio desse encontro de mentes em nosso Congresso, possamos alcançar uma consciência crescente dos problemas e soluções fundamentais necessários para nossa humanidade atual, que precisa
urgentemente de ajuda


6, 7, 8 e 9 de julho de 2023


Grande Hotel Trilogia da Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco, em Cambuquira.

O aspecto online do Congresso compreende os vídeos gravados das Palestras, que estarão disponíveis no site a partir do domingo, dia 9 de julho.

Quem pode participar?

O Congresso é destinado a todas as pessoas interessadas na restauração da sociedade, atuantes em qualquer área do conhecimento e das mais diversas profissões.

O tema do Congresso será: A Beleza da Consciência e a Consciência da Beleza – aplicado a toda e qualquer profissão, área de pesquisa e disciplina intelectual.

Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia. (refeições não estão incluídas)


Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia.

(refeições não estão incluídas)



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