
22nd International Congress of
Analytical Trilogy

ENERGETICS - The Universal Science

September 6 to 10, 2024


Welcome dear 22nd ICAT participants,

Norberto R. Keppe

Physics made a fundamental mistake in considering matter to be the main element for study because matter is a totally secondary factor. Matter, after all, is derived from energy, which is principal. All research in physics thus got off on the wrong foot because it was all based on studying matter, thereby making it difficult to really understand anything. These inverted ideas were later mathematically explained in formulas and given the status of being infallible, like dogmas. What I am proposing is that matter should really be considered Energy. In fact, forms have wrongly been called matter when they are actually aspects of Energy, and the only reason Energy has not been considered fundamental is because it is invisible and operates mostly unperceived by the senses.

In this light, how is it possible to truly understand energy, light, matter or the Earth itself, and even more, time, space, force and movement, since they lie outside the reach of the senses? We could say that we have been living in a world of fantasy ever since the seventeenth century. It’s like we’re inside a fairy tale full of marvelous promises that are all impossible to achieve.

The big decline in modern civilization has come from the fact that the human being only believes in what is visible to the senses. This is a result of following Aristotle’s philosophy, which considered the senses to be the foundation of existence, something that was already repudiated more than 2,500 years ago by other thinkers in Ancient Greece. We could say that our modern view has been the natural outcome of following this inverted path that gives priority to inferior elements. In dominating matter, man follows the insane angel (Lucifer) in believing, like he, thatwe can even become some sort of god (Theomania).

My intent here is to illustrate the need to bring theology and philosophy into science as the only way to allow each of these sectors to develop correctly because the separation and division of each has been harming all of them. I believe this unification of existence with essence is the only way to solve all the urgent issues facing our modern civilization today. As we can verify, existence is completely variable nowadays, whereas essence is a fixed, universal and eternal thing.

Norberto R. Keppe, Ph.D.
Founder and President of International Society of Analytical Trilogy



Dear friends,

Gilbert Gambucci
Chairman of the 22nd ICAT

Welcome to the 22nd International Congress of Analytical Trilogy to be held at the Grand Trilogy Hotel of the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College in Cambuquira, Brazil, from the 6th to 10th of September, 2024.

As this Congress is dedicated to the study and dissemination of the discoveries, theories, methodology and applications of the Brazilian psychoanalyst, social scientist, philosopher, theologian, educator and independent physicist, Dr. Norberto R. Keppe, and how individuals around the world are applying this formidable science to their everyday lives, it behooves us to come together in lectures and round table discussions in order to better perceive and restore those aspects of life that were proven to be of great benefit to humanity.

The science of Analytical Trilogy is the successful unification of the sciences with philosophy and spirituality, and as such, it has the natural capacity to clarify and unify all types of human endeavor through the use of universal principals.

Marisa Gurgel
Hostess of the 22nd ICAT

It is our quest, that in a spirit of brotherhood, we can together achieve a growing consciousness of the root problems and solutions needed for our present day humanity which is in dire need of help.

We now have in our hands the noble and divine means to usher into existence the long-awaited millennium of unstoppable development and happiness.

The theme for the Congress is: Energetics – The Universal Science, applied to any and all human endeavor.

I would like to wish each and every participant a stimulating intellectual exchange during this beautifully energetic weekend and thank you for your interest and participation in Analytical Trilogy’s Therapy for the World!

Gilbert Gambucci
Chairman of the 22nd ICAT
Professor of Piano and Transdisciplinary Studies

Esta é uma chamada a todos os interessados no congresso dedicado ao estudo e divulgação das descobertas, teorias, método e aplicações do psicanalista, cientista social, filósofo, teólogo, educador e físico independente brasileiro, Norberto R. Keppe.  O congresso também tem por objetivo, compartilhar as aplicações que indivíduos em todo o mundo fazem dessa ciência em suas vidas cotidianas. Temos certeza que você tem contribuições valiosas para agregar ao nosso Congresso.

Como a ciência da Trilogia Analítica é a unificação bem-sucedida das ciências com a filosofia e a espiritualidade, ela tem a capacidade natural de esclarecer e unificar todos os tipos de esforços humanos por meio do uso de princípios universais. É nossa missão que, por meio desse encontro de mentes em nosso Congresso, possamos alcançar uma consciência crescente dos problemas e soluções fundamentais necessários para nossa humanidade atual, que precisa
urgentemente de ajuda


6, 7, 8 e 9 de julho de 2023


Grande Hotel Trilogia da Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco, em Cambuquira.

O aspecto online do Congresso compreende os vídeos gravados das Palestras, que estarão disponíveis no site a partir do domingo, dia 9 de julho.

Quem pode participar?

O Congresso é destinado a todas as pessoas interessadas na restauração da sociedade, atuantes em qualquer área do conhecimento e das mais diversas profissões.

O tema do Congresso será: A Beleza da Consciência e a Consciência da Beleza – aplicado a toda e qualquer profissão, área de pesquisa e disciplina intelectual.

Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia. (refeições não estão incluídas)


Participantes do Congresso fora do pacote de hospedagem: R$ 100,00 por dia.

(refeições não estão incluídas)



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